ODOT District 6 HVAC Upgrade
Conducted field investigation to develop a program of requirement for the project along with cost options for the design phase. POR options are being implemented in the design phase.
This project is an HVAC upgrade of existing ODOT District six (6) facility. The facility consists of the Original building and the newer addition. The facility has original office and garage remodeled in 1969. It appears that an HVAC upgrade was implemented in office area, garage including test laboratory, radio shop and welding shop circa 1985. A 2002 upgrade targeted conversion of pneumatic controls to Direct Digital Control (DDC). New and older facility have independent HVAC systems. Older part has independent Chilled and heating water loops and Air distribution is achieved by two Multizone Air Handling units. Relatively new Boilers provide heating to the Old Building.
Upgrade HVAC system (Carrier module system) to VAV Air Terminal Units with reheat, replaced Chillers, Boilers and upgraded chilled water and heating water plants, provided more efficient control system.